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i love this game <3

Thank you!! You're adorable OwO




This game is great. But damn does it get difficult. I remembered how terrible I am at strategy games

I'm counting on all the feedback and adding the missing features (towers,market,team management, etc) to make the 1.0 a more enjoyable version :3 !!

(1 edit)

Can't wait

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm impatient for the next update to see what you put in ^^. Keep up the project, it has a future, you have to add many things and polish the game. Thank you for offering us this game totally free, there are people like me who cannot pay for everything, thank you !!!

Thank you giving it a try!! I'm super happy if you enjoyed it <3 To be honest I'm considering adding a cost for the 1.0 version at some point. It's getting way too big and intense to stay free forever I guess.

Nothing fancy (it's still a tiny indie game) but it will probably stay free if you already downloaded the game once ;)

Thanks again for playing it!!!

I hope it's free if you put a price on it :(


Downloading... <3


Version o.9 finally here. 

By the words of one of the best YouTubers alive. *Ahem*

Wooo! Yeah baby! That's what I've been waiting for. That's what it's all about. Wooooo!

OwO I really hope you'll enjoy it! I sold my soul to make it X'D 


I bet you have my good man! Remember! This is only the beginning of a great venture! I wish you luck! Just... don't drink too much coffee.


the funny thing is that i'm reading this comment while watching her on my phone

X'D Just found the video!

Yo wait. cr1tikal is a girl?

oh you meant cr1tikal? i thought you mean gawr gura because she always said things like that when she found something good in a game

Maybe she's a cr1tikal fan?


Right, well I can't get past the tutorial because I can't pick up meat. No buttons are working except block, attack, movement, jumping and crouching...


Game isnt working for me. Cant do anything


This game currently feels really odd, which is understandable considering how early in development it is.
The main thing that confused me was the very sudden ending with a black screen telling me that I failed to survive for thirty minutes even though I was at full on everything and thought I was doing pretty well.
Maybe a bit more of a text based tutorial that explains the world and such as well as an endless mode since having the game on a set time limit really makes it difficult to fully get a grip on what you're doing in the first playthrough before the game abruptly ends.
It definitely seems to have promise though, especially the card game portion, although it's currently a bit difficult at first since you essentially have to win twice in order to win once and your own cards tend to "damage" you more than they do your opponent.
Definitely keeping my eye on this though, because it does seem to have a good ground for a really fun open world game.


It may be because my notebook is 32bit, but the game does not install, if it is possible in the next update you could add the version for 32bit??

Thanks in advance!


hit boxes have bean weird, wish i could go into third person


this would be awsome online, to play with freinds


I started the next version working on a multiplayer mode, but the amount of work is ridiculously high and it's way to complex, so sadly I had to abandon this feature UwU


Just put it at the end of production. When you're happy with the finished result, you can come back to it and decide if it's worth the hassle. ^^ If not, nobody will notice. If so, you can focus exclusively on it knowing your game is complete!

This is purely heterosexual then?
I had gay written in my search, but it must have knocked that out.
If we were to be creating species, could you make it so that m/m could create new units/citisens, etc?

The progression alongside the base concept looks & sounds fantastic so far. So it could be a great game without that aspect to it, but it would be nice for one producer to finally bridge the gap & make it not so strictly m/f.

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I may add some magic skills to allow unit producing without sex restrictions UwU but I'll have to wait around Frebruary to work on this part of the game!

Thank you a lot for playing and for your feedback! <3

Thank you very much for the reply. I wouldn't want anything to get out of hand in terms of the effort needed... but the whole scenario where you've created a nice customisable game feels like it could fit something like M/M into it nicely. Or maybe we'll make some 'seahorse' like species situation in the future!

Cheers (:)=)


Dang it...I really wanna know what happens at the end of the third day if you succeed in protecting the statue ;A; But for some reason it bugs out at some point before (or upon) meeting the enemies and I can't attack them (it swings but doesn't "contact"). If I have enough sticks on hand, I can place traps and kill them, but upon running out of sticks, the bug also doesn't allow me to chop down trees....
Also during the first night, my companion just suddenly died while sleeping? Not sure if it was she got attacked or what. Regardless, bed also bugged when you have a companion and sometimes you can't build anything after trying to sleep.
Lastly that I noticed ticking the tutorial before starting makes it so clicking any buttons doesn't do anything and you have to not have tutorial ticked to actually do anything.
Seems like a really neat little prototype for a game, nice concept. Still don't really understand the card game "sex" but oh well. Would be interesting to see how this turns out, but currently kinda barely playable and buggy as of 0.8.2


I'll make this short.

Le game is very EPICO and runs suprisingly well on my Mac (which usually blows up when running these types of games). I love the style of it and all the systems implemented into it. I salute you for the amount of work you put into this.


Also......possible Christmas update hint for your followers????????????


Thank you that’s super kind! ^^ oki doki I’ll try to write a devlog about the last progress and the next big update UwU




Got to thinking, and I'm sure you've considered this as well, but wouldn't the game be cool if you could indoctrinate some of the hostiles some how. A few ways I could see this working would be either finding "lost children" of said species, capturing them and breaking their will to fight you, or trade. The lost child option could be a matter of the child version. Of the other races being a super rare spawn in the wild, while the "capture and enslave" feature could be a matter of having a cage built to keep them locked up for x amount of time which would allow you to then knock out enemies instead of just killing them. However, the trade option (which I'm only coming up with as a third option) could have you trade basic goods between the desired tribe. This option could introduce the idea of specialized units, slowing you to have hunters, gatherers, or trailers while still having room for even more specialized members of your tribe. Marking two different members as "nanny" could cause the two (or more) to try to reproduce, while the cook could be the one that goes from each member ensuring that they have food. These are just some of the dozens of ideas I have, and if any of them sound like they would fit in your game than by all means use them. This is a game I am excited to see finished and if my ideas can help than please let me know... Side thought though, will this game have magic in any form?

Hello! Thank you for your amazing answer!

A few of your ideas are already plan for January/Fevruary, a period I'll spend working on the tribes and how to interact with them :3 I will not add any kind of slavery or torture, you'll be able to befriend them with small quests or just with sex UwU



So here's 2 issues I found: First I could only build the torch. Second, I was unable to discard the cards. Other than those 2, this is a great lay out for a game and hopefully you can turn this into a masterpiece.


Hi, this game looks amazing especially since it's still in a early stage and it's just you working on it. Do you have any plans for a Android version in the future?

Helloo, thank you very much! No I will not publish the game on devices, only PC, MAC, Linux and web browser. I think android platform would absolutely refuse a NSFW game like this UwU


I can't seem to interact with anything or pick up anything with "E"


I played it for a bit and I was impressed since I was expecting something of a far lower quality. The sound design was better than I expected, the models on most things were pretty good, the animations were pretty good, and the survival gameplay was actually enjoyable. Most games with pornographic content are boring as hell the whole time. I did however notice a few problems here and there so in the survey I explained some of them. (Sorry for the somewhat massive paragraph in the survey but I wanted to be thorough.) Anyways, Keep up the good work.

Thank you very much for all your feedback, and don't worry I love big paragraphs, it's 200% useful and motivating for me <3


Ability to play as lizard people next? and will there be more variety in the hostiles? (not saying there has to be any mimics that look like recourses and decks anything that gets near it, but it would be cool to see a hierarchy within the other critters of the game. oh, and lore... everybody loves lore.

I plan to add a few species for the player and more monsters/animals for each level :3


It doesn't let me attack for some reason, neither block. My mouse isn't broken Ik it isn't, some of the controls don't work, I'm too lazy to name them all TwT

Hello! Yes it's an issue with the last build of the game, since this version I'm working hard to fix and improve everything!!

Thank you so much for your feedback, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience :l

Kisses, Malerouille


Right, well.. don't stress yourself out because of it, alright? ^^ Your mental health matters more than this amazing game of yours

(1 edit) (+1)

Super happy with this concept.
Filled out the survey with a plethora of ideas, I hope to goodness you keep at this project.

edit: i forgot to mention in the survey, I think prefab buildings blueprints for lazy builders would be great. If you want to punish players for being lazy you could make it cost more resources than it normally would if it were built piece by piece.

Thank youuuu! That's super cool, thanks so much for filling the feedback form it's helping soooo much <3


it is well made game if we considering made by a single developer. you probably notice that the game has little by little on every features so some of it is incomplete. but I like this kind of open world game and really love the concept. I hope I can see more of this

Thank you that's super motivating OwO



Thank you <3


can u make a non nsfw version im fucking 11 yrs old bro


I'll add a SFW option in the next version.

Language please UwU


ok thanks


Wait......why's an 11 year old here in the first place?


I guess you don't want to mess with it anymore, this game is terribly baggy


for the second time in a row I'm lazy about mining and fighting


I know so, I have a few suggestions.

1. If you don't want to develop it further, give the file to someone to do it better.
2. Give the opportunity to pound without these whole waves because they bother the most, I would calmly build and give me food.
3. Correct this fight and script because it really annoys that whenever a fight starts, then I can't even hit anything.


Thank you very much for your feedback!!

Like I said: it's a prototype, an early version. It was meant to test gameplay ideas and do some experiments.

Now I'm fully satisfied with it and I'm redoing the game entirely, properly, with my favorite ideas and only focused on the fun.

Plus there's not reason for me to share any kind of file with anyone. I'm already publishing the art. It's my work, I'm already working a loooot on this project for free and alone, and it's free for everyone. That should be enough UwU

Have a great day :3 



this is actually right, but I just wrote that because I don't see someone just cheat on the project because yes, forgive me. Maybe I'm saying have fun, but for now I would remove what doesn't work because the construction works perfectly.


I'd like to help you more, but my game development is only on the mind. The only thing I do well is the story, I hope.
Even if I had to help, I use google translator, this is writing so I am writing with errors.

No worry! If you want you can add me on Discord, it's better to have long conversations and share stuff ;) Malerouille#6365


Thank you, not better just to set up a Discord channel?

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I have a few suggestions for your game if you're willing to hear 'em. Though I first want to make sure you WANNA hear them before I continue ripping my heart out on it (I'm currently typing it all out on Microsoft Word because it's gonna be very long.)

Obviously, that's a wonderful idea I love it! UwU and if you have questions and want answers, you can even send it to me directly on Discord Malerouille#6365


OK! Cool! I'll continue with it right away! I'm usually a bit busy so it might take a while (IDK. Maybe a day or two if I'm lucky)  before I send it to you on Discord.


not a very good game. im unable to use the build feature, the controls are wonky, and the fact that the sex feature is literally just a card game takes away from the whole feature itself. the only saving grace it has is the art style.


Thank you for your feedback! I'm sorry you didn't have fun but I'm glad you enjoyed the art direction of this prototype :D

(3 edits) (+1)

I give it a 6/10, there are a few issues that kinda ruin it

namely about 15-20 minutes into gameplay, I lose the ability to damage things with attacks

and another glitch I found (that I think is kinda funny) is male/inter characters' "bits" will aggressively jiggle around (even while standing completely still)

Apart from it's glitches, I could easily see myself pouring hour upon hours into it, also an "endless" mode would be appreciated


stuck at tutorial, can't pick up duck meat :/

Oh that's strange! Are you using the E key? Are you aiming at the meat and do you see its name on your screen? Maybe you have a different/messed key mapping... Just in case check in the small window when you launch the game. I hope it's not a bug UwU Tell me if it works.

I'm aiming at it and mashing E

Nothing happens, I don't see any name either

Hum you can only pick an object if its name appears on the screen. You're probably either too close or too far form the object. I'll try to reproduce the issue on my side to see what going one!


Suddenly everything works alright

Amazing news!

Damn I was worrying ^^' It's probably an issue with a bad UI or something poorly designed :l

Thanks again for your feedback!


no man's sky but worth your money

But hey, No Man's Sky has improved so it IS worth your money ;)


Hey there, me again.

I recently got myself a new computer with a 4K display, and this game shows a few problems when subject to a higher resolution.

The text in the Statistics window is extremely small.

The cards in the Card Game also appear to be extremely small.

Since only a few UI pieces are screwed, it's most likely caused by some code you wrote altering the size of the UI and not taking into consideration screen size.

It shouldn't take too long to hunt it down and make a quick fix.

I might've missed something, so It'll probably be a good idea to have a quick look over everything and make sure everything else is fine.


Oh no that's easier than that :O the UI's size is based on the screen's resolution, I didn't expected playing it on 4K and I didn't limit the UI's adaptation :O thank's for your feedback!

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 really wann aplay but the contro;s half way work, like... i can run jump and crouch but cant hit anything even when i was close enought to kiss it. after opening and reloading the game littarly 8 times i got it to work well enough to play. it was fun... till i couldnt hit the enemys when  i saw them. i also couldnt build anything other than  a traps, beds and torches.  the game shows yhsy it would be super cool.. once it sctrully works. id psy for it if it did csnt wait to see what you make of it

(1 edit) (+1)

I know sadly, I kinda broke the game trying to add the main features in messy ways UwU since I'm happy with the current prototype (beside the issues and bugs) I'm redoing all of it in a clean new game. So no more silly bugs, faster game and a lot of useless stuff to the trash bin.

I received a lot of amazing comments like yours and I definitely know what improve and what remove.

Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you could enjoy the game beside all the problems and that you take the time to give me you critic!

Edit: I realised some of the issues you experimented are new to me like the controls, thanksfully in the next version of the game I'm using the new Input System and it will solve these bugs.

Kisses, Malerouille

 thx for woeking hard on it.  also :v maybe we can use game pad???


He he that's totally included in the new Input System, gamepads! I have one at home while working on the game too X'D


First of all, this is an interesting take on survival games. If the allies can eventually be set up to do basic tasks when assigned instead of just attacking what you hit, I can even see RTS elements, which is something I've wanted in a survival game for a long time. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

The card game is also an interesting concept, but either the mechanics or the explanation need a bit of work. Maybe both? It took me a bit to figure out how to read the cards, and even now I'm guessing. As for the cards themselves, I am usually discarding cards as I either can't use them on my partner, or they focus on getting one side off, making it hard to bring both characters to climax. 

I'm sure you are already aware of some bugs and plan on fixing them, so I will only briefly list the ones I ran across, in case I ran into anything new. 1) Can't use E to interact with anything in fullscreen. 2) Some of the hit boxes for picking up items need to be adjusted. I end up mashing E to pick up one thing. 3) My ax couldn't do damage to enemy foxes. Had to rely on my partner to fight. 4) I couldn't select quit game when I died, via mouse or keyboard.

I hope my criticisms aren't seen as disliking the game. I am well aware it is a work in progress, but I have high hopes for it.

Thank you very much that's super useful UwU Speaking about the RTS elements, I'm currently redoing the entire game to slightly the survival part and add more RTS like content. Thank you a lot for taking the time to write me this amazing feedback <3


So going back and playing it a bit more, I think I understand the card game a little better? I managed to get a group of 4 people total, though one randomly ran off on me in the middle of the night =/. I still think it could do something with all the cards that a player may be forced to discard, like replenish some of that blue energy bar or something. Not sure, but it would make it so they aren't just taking up space. But otherwise, I think I know what my actual strategies are in the game. 

As for the combat bug, I think it was actually the same bug that people have been mentioning where the ability to hit anything disappears after a day. That said, I have found a few other quirks of the bug that I don't think have been mentioned yet, so hopefully they might be helpful to know? First, while you can't damage anything, you can still, technically, interact with them. I learned this when I swung at a tree, was unable to hit it, but my allies knew to assist me in chopping it down anyways. Second, you can still hit structures you have built, and the purple statue. For some reason, those have been unaffected by the bug. I don't know if that will help you with trouble shooting, or if you've already figured it out, help prevent new bugs in the future by knowing what else is or isn't being affected.


I really want to play more, but the hit button stops working usually after day 1. Restarting a new world doesnt fix it, and it renders me unable to get new materials, fight, or anything i need the hit button to do

Hello, I'm aware of that annoying bug, I'm sorry for that. As a matter of fact I'm redoing the entire game so it's cleaner and faster UwU the current game was a fun prototype but it lacks organisation and it causes some bugs like this one sadly :( thank you a lot for your feedback!

(1 edit) (+1)

YOOOOO So I ended up playing this game right, and I thought hey man wouldn't it be cool to like yah know play the game with your dick out or sumthin? Like a furry dick and build shit like mine craft? but I went into the game right. Tried the fuck my dude friend but got lost in a children's card game. To be frank I lost, I think it was telling me I was bad at sex or something, but hey man as long as my dude is satisfied. I looked at my shadow, and noticed I had no ears but had a butt plug for a tail.  I spent the first 20 minutes of the game just looking at my dick, and falling asleep. Then a fox that sounded like cortona from halo having a hissy fit coming at me. The first one was a chump stood atop of it like a MLG player, but the secound one was like a literal god, couldn't hit it or anything, but sure put me in my place.


I like the idea of the card game, but I have no clue why I can't use certain cards. The instructions mention that the numbers at the top of the card are the card's requirements, but I don't know how this translates to me being able or unable to use a card.


Lovin this games progress so far, would like an infinite survival mode though.

Deleted 2 years ago

Sure, in the start menu there's 3 choices for playing, the first one is for the survival game ^^


thank you so much! i really love your game 👌😍


Is the NSFW content purely f/m or f/f, f/m and m/m?


When playing the adventure game, you choose. When playing the card game, the partenair's sex is random !

Cool thanks ^\.=./^

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