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uh, the patreon link is invalid for some reason

(1 edit) (+2)

Fun game! Played a free demo a while ago and saw the bundle / discount going on so thought I'd get it and give it a shot! Lots of stuff added now! Seems harder which is good! A few things I wish the game had though is the replacement of level 1 skills with the new ones since the default arrows can clutter your weapons tab once you learn one of the other two. I also wish there was a gallery section for the scenes that play or maybe even a sandbox mode where you can just build? I'd also like if there was a save mechanic so you don't have to commit to a long play session and can play a bit, quit and save and come back later and continue. "Healing" with your fellow tribe members could also work as it does with the NPCs where you need to hit 3/3 skill checks for the animation to end making it so you can't just have a 'quickie' mid battle XD

Some smaller things: Customization your starting off opposite gender partner would be nice along with being able to re-name or re-colour your tribe members? Perhaps have a pre-set section where the player can create a limited number of slots of characters and the game can randomly pick from them or you can do this while in game? Or have this as a building area you can create in game to do this? I also think all types of NPCs should be on the map at least once since I noticed some generations of them, some characters weren't there or perhaps have it so some characters come and go? Tribe members should also somewhat focus on repairing structures (especially the healing one or houses) and should not be able to destroy NPCs 'buildings' as it is annoying when they are accidentally broken. I also like but also dislike the fact you can hear combat from the other side of the map if your tribe is fighting and you're going around talking to NPCs (like having them train on the dummies while you get your freak on)

Overall though, still a fun and challenging game! Excited to see more of it and what's to come! (Hella suprised it actually read my super old demo version for my character! A very pleasant surprise! I also wish the male and female loadouts are independent though and the colours slightly adjust still when switching parts to colour)

What new is in 1.0.3 update.

Not much, I just fixed a few issues about the NPCs climbing roofs.


No fix about enemies, that going thru the walls and spawning in the village?


wonderful game, and I appreciate the new update!

Am just wondering if the game will get a save feature at some point? Multi-hour long games are a pain. 



Hey Daggan I am talking about the current 1.0.1 update that was released. 10/10 :D, the new characters do bring more life into the story, more collectables too. Everything looks smoother and great art. Here are my current ratings in my opinion :D

=-= Ratings =-=
Art 10/10, Animations 9/10, Movement 9/10, Combat 8/10, Leveling for Player 9/10, Leveling for Ally 7/10, Boss Fights 10/10, Enemies 8/10, Buildings and Decoration 10/10, Everything Else 9/10. 

Overall gameplay was great :D the game right now is 10/10, but some things I did happen to catch while playing.

=-= Glitches or Bugs =-=
+ Camera clips through walls (not as much)
+ Enemies spawning inside the built base
+ Allies have trouble getting into garrisons
+ Allies inside garrisons can barely shoot arrows. (Hits the floor or something)
+ Allies stuck on top of walls after a garrison is destroyed

Only 5 I saw, great job :D I would probably have like 100 if I made a game. ._.

=-= Things I would add/edit =-=
(Do note just suggestions up to you not me, the game is awesome just some cool Ideas I thought about :D)
+ Add a jump animation.
+ Add a sprint bar.
+ Exp amount (on the bar maybe a number that shows like you have 10/100 exp to level up)
+ I would edit the map, I was thinking it could be an island on the ocean. I also thought of a cool idea I drew an image (below). I did think the walls were a little boring.
+ Add new weapons (Spears or Big shields <- my fav)
+ I would edit the shield that the player picks up and make it transparent, sometimes when I am aiming to look at something it gets in the way.
+ Edit or Add a way to become a slime character :O
+ More plants and Animals (maybe a way to make potions or cook food for bigger healing stats idk)
+ I would make it 10 Nights but longer days, and similar nights. (The 2h can still fit maybe if like each day/night is 10 min?)
+ Using the forge maybe a way to upgrade gear
+ Addon^^^ Add more materials for more type of upgrades.
+ Idk if its a glitch or something but I want to see my allies health it worries me when they start self healing ._.
+ Custom flag banners
+ Maybe try giving some of the characters around the map some defensive stuff at night. (they would go in their house at night or help fight)
+ Seeds or Saplings to grow more trees. 

Thats all I could think of, I love the new update :D I hope to see more in the future ;).


just bought the game on steam and already having fun just like the first time i played the game on a demo, wondering if there would be more updates and if so, what those could be.

also, just wanted to say that the toggle fulscreen button doesn't work properly, like, i usually play in windowed mode, but every time i go back to the main screen, it resets to fullscreen..


I think maybe do a development log post about the update?

Game feels super zoom out.

Yes my bad I added more zoom out but forgot to put the default back to mid range ^^’

I’ll fix that in the update!

The picture in the Feed says: "New Version 0.12!" Wanted to point that out, seeing as the real version is 1.0.0. ^^


Damn it, thank you!!! I completely missed it!

are enemies suppose to spawn in your village?

Don’t build your village near the giant cliff, it’s dangerous!

My middle mouse doesn't work on my computer, so I cant build. Please help

Letter Q or A on French keyboards works as well


so much work. good work. very fun


The game will have more updates? I bought the game on Steam to support you and i'm loving to play.

Thank you! Mostly updates to fix issues UwU


holy SHIT, malerouille youve outdone yourself

you are a godsend amongst us furries, and this game proves it

i really wish that companion tier wasnt sold out because dear odin i would buy that in a heartbeat

tomorrow i am gonna buy and review this game bc the demo kicked ass

Thank for your kind words! I really wish you to have fun and enjoy the game then X)


Hello, you made a very good game but I have some questions to ask, 1, will you add orgasm to the animation in the future uwu? , 2, I found that when the building is built on the map border, sometimes the enemy will be generated in the building. Does the game need to limit the construction range of the building, or make the enemy unable to generate around the building? , 3, I found that some characters may flicker when there are too many characters on the map (although it may be my problem), 4, whether it is possible to add more customization options, such as the magnification of the collected materials, or the population Maximum cap? , 5, for the level of the new population can inherit some levels from their parents, 6, whether to consider increasing the type of enemies such as enemies that can fly or enemies with siege weapons (although it feels that it can only be made into a boss. Otherwise, it is too strong), 7. Will you consider adding more buildings, such as some defensive weapons, fixed turrets, or some buildings that can increase other effects, such as automatic maintenance of buildings within a certain range Or something that can increase the attributes of teammates, 8, whether to consider selling the subsequent updates as DLC alone, so that you can get the same return! (Because this game is great for me! :D) My English is not very good, so I just translated it with Google Translate, I don't know if you can understand it(´;ω;`)

i bought this game around xams and lost much of the info on my pc including daggan how can i get it back?i bought the game around xmas time, i lost allot of info on my pc including the game, how do i get it back without buying it again

If you bought it just download it again.

(1 edit) (+1)

Itchio sends you an email, so if you remember the day you got it, and have access to your email, you can "reclaim" it. Because the game is tied to the email you bought it with.

I’d also say after searching a bit myself, you should have a My Library tab in where you can find your previous games. But it’s sometimes weird to use.

If I buy this game here, will I be able to get it on Steam for free when it releases? It looks fun but I don't want to have to buy it twice


If you get it here there's no point to get it on Steam.

Plus these are two different stores, they aren't linked.

Buying the itch version is only relevant on itch.

Hey j'ai remarqué en regardant la config du jeu qu'il y avait un paramètre "VR".

C'est quelques chose d'implémenté déjà ?

Alors là j’apprend un truc :0 c’est marqué où?

C'est dans Daggan_012_PC\Daggan_Data\boot.config


Ce sont des features du moteur de jeu, Unity, qui peut permettre de développer des jeux VR. Je n’utilise aucunes de ces solutions.

D'accord je n'avais encore jamais vu ça.

En tout cas très sympa ton jeu, hâte de voir la suite ! 


I may or may not have blasted The Only Thing They Fear is You while circle-strafing skeleton demons with rapid-fire arrows. Great stuff.


Fantastic job so far with this project! Can't wait to see how you expand upon it!


if you get around to adding a futa option, i'll def buy

Bonjour, je suis intéressé par votre jeu, mais avant de pouvoir l'acheter, j'ai quelques questions, la première, sera t'il disponible sur Android avec l'utilisation d'une manette ? Vais-je avoir accès à toutes les mises à jour futur ? Quels es la durée de vie du jeu? Qu'est-ce qu'il es possible de faire présentement sur le jeu? 

merci de votre temps


Non le jeu ne sera pas disponible sur Android et ne supportera pas de gamepad. Acheter le jeu donne accès au mis-à-jours effectivement et, en fonction des joueurs, le jeu dure entre 30min et 6 heures.
Pour le reste les informations sur la page du jeu donnent tous les détails nécessaires.

DAMN! I haven't played this since I discovered it over a year ago, when it was just changed from what it originally was to the basis of the game as it is today.

I'm gonna need to try it out, but I have question first; If I buy the game, do I have to then buy every update as they become available? Because I've never bought a game on itch before.

No, you only need to buy it once


J'ai découvert ton jeu "just in slime" sur steam et il est vraiment pas mal, j'ai hâte de voir tes prochaines créations tu as un énorme potentiel dans ce domaine selon moi ! :D
Sur ce j'attend tes prochains jeux avec impatience et continue sur ta lancé ! :d

Merci beaucoup c'est super gentil!!!

Pas de problème ! :D
Petite question, comment as-tu appris à faire des jeux tu est passé par des tutos youtube ou autre ? Car j'aimerais bien me lancer dans ce domaine mais je sais pas trop par ou commencer, aurais-tu des conseils à ce niveau là. (désolé pour l'orthographe pas terrible :'))

Any update to the steam release? The store page still indicates a release date of March 30. I would drop the cash now and even consider becoming a patreon subscriber if I could attach this to my favorite platform.


I feel like something's wrong.
Playing the main non custom game, and the boss spawns.... and so does 300 little guys, and even if I break the portal he makes a new one...
I've been strafing, jumping, and shooting arrows at this man for 3 in game days, he's killed all my followers, Defenses were useless because he spawned the portal in my small base.
I just wanted cute sex scenes and some combat, not CoD zombies.






when will it be available on steam?

Looking forward to what you plan on doing to this game in the future.

Hello. Sorry to bother, but wasn't the game supposed to be released at Steam on Wednesday?


multiplayer? this would be interesting in multiplayer.


Nope, impossible UwU


any chance there'll be steam keys for those who purchased this and just in slime on here?? enjoying both games alot, thanks :)


No, Steam refuses anything related to outside platforms.


I love this game, NSFW + Base-Building? It's a truly brilliant idea, it even inspired me to add base-building to my own game!!! 

Thank you for making this, not only from players but from other devs as well!!!

Keep doing amazing work, you rock!!!


Oooh I can't wait to see where you're going with that!!!

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Lol, will certainly be an interesting ride, especially since I only ever did a base building thing for a timed jam long ago but I'm eager to give it a good shot, Daggan really inspired me to at least give it the good ole college try, >:3

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Holy poop, just realized you're the dev, sorry I suck at names, it's an honor to meet ya, thank you for making awesome games, :D


Thank youuu! I'm glad you enjoyed them X) I work alone so I'm everybody in the team! :3


fun little game, a bit of a learning curve figuring out how to unlock skills (honestly im still learning it, lol but Im old and slow.)  Appreciate the same sex interactions, would like a setting to allow same sex copulation to produce units (yeah it goes against biology and all that, but this is a fantasy game.)  Honestly though no complaints, money well spent!


You can unlock that in the game already! X)


oh i must have missed it somewhere! played around with it a few more hours after commenting here and really had fun with it.  Can tell there is still alot im missing, so Ill just keep playing and trying to figure things out.  Thanks again for the game!


May I ask when the game will have a save feature?


Never, so far the game is designed for short games plus it's strategy/procedural nature would be hell to make a save system. I have don't have the skills nor the time for it sadly.


Thanks for the constant work and updates!

Keep up the awesome work Malerouille!


how do you save your progress?

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