Daggan Pink, Early Build

I don't have much to say, I'm just really scared cause the game is now public for its very first time! But I'm very proud of this one. 

So what could you expect for the future of Daggan Pink? Well I'm glad you ask! I'm gonna make a list.

Next update: Alpha November:

  • new buildings: armoury, forge, tavern, infirmary
  • magic guns
  • enemies of various sizes, but could be sex partners if your kind enough
  • bigger map, like waaaaay bigger map
  • Wanderers: happy furries traveling on the map for you to befriend

Some words

As you can see, there's going to be a lot of work to do until November, and I have no idea if I can do it! But I've managed to publish this Early Build today, so who knows? As usual, I'll be more than happy to read your reactions, whether in the comments or via the form linked to the game. I'm now going to do my best to finish adding all the important features for the Alpha!

A paywall will also appear for the next update, because you know, eating and all that. But it's going to be very low, I'll be slowly increasing the price up to version 1.0 of the game, the Gold version! Boy, am I excited. Anyway, see you soon, I've got a lot of optimisation work ahead of me.

Have fun, love y'all, Malerouille

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Great Game so far, can't wait for future updates.

Thank youuu! I'll do my best X)


I think I'd prefer a different keybind for the sex minigame than the spacebar. It's a little too jarring to miss a couple times and end up jumping. Maybe a key that isn't currently bound to anything else?


It's a good start, I can't wait to see the skill tree and enemies, and I can't wait for the appearance of markets with the opportunity to buy slime girls.


How do I make more followers? After sex, nothing happened.


You need to build Manors to have enough population space, then after sex there should be an egg timer over the pregnant character


Really enjoyied the first Daggan and i cannot wait for the next notification about a update for this!


I played the original Daggan a lot!! I'll be seeing how far this one looks like c:

i tried it out you got something here i'll give ya that since i played the original this is new and refreshing so im curious to see where this goes 


Really liked Daggan, excited to give this a try!!

Thank you, I really hope you'll enjoy it, even in this early state UwU it's just the begenniiiiiing!!!